Re: Søren Hansen and Michael Bienia

Morten Kjeldgaard mok at
Mon Nov 2 18:44:40 GMT 2009

On 02/11/2009, at 17.23, Benj. Mako Hill wrote:

> <quote who="Stefan Potyra" date="Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 12:43:22PM  
> +0100">
>>> Let's not bog ourselves down in procedural pedantry. If the CC  
>>> need to,
>>> we can make direct appointments and replacements on any structure in
>>> Ubuntu, and will do so.
>> Thanks, Mark, that's at least a clear announcement, helping me better
>> understand how the Ubuntu government works in reality, and to what  
>> degree
>> government bodies value the community.
> Everyone involved values the community. If you doubt that, we have  
> very
> serious problems.

Unfortunately, a few minutes after posting the above statement, Stefan  
sent an email to u-m saying he's no longer sure if he wants to be  
involved with Ubuntu Development. I'm not sure if these things are  
connected, but given the timestamps it's certainly possible.

When you're at the top of the pyramid, it's easy to view discussions  
and information as "procedural pedantry". When you're at the _bottom_  
of the pyramid, working your behind off for the common good of the  
project, it is equally easy to become demotivated if you start feeling  
you're taken for granted and that relevant information doesn't come  
your way.

It's in everybodys good interest to maintain a high level of  
information and discussion, and since everybody has stated that they  
have no problem with the actual outcome of the decision, that should  
pose no problem. What is relevant is that everybodys desire to be "in  
the loop" is satisfied.


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