Upload permission for Romain Francoise for 'emacs-snapshot'

Morten Kjeldgaard mortenkjeldgaard at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 20:12:35 BST 2008

> So just to clarify, an upstream author can apply for per-package  
> upload
> rights even though they are not a DD, MOTU or UUC?

I think this is a bad idea. What sets the MOTU apart from DDs is the  
collective responsibility for the ensemble of packages in Universe, as  
well as other tasks, for example mentoring contributors and new MOTUs,  
dealing with bugs, answering questions on IRC etc. etc.

While many MOTUs have special interests and certain packages they care  
about, it is IMHO important to maintain and protect the collaborative  
aspect of the MOTU.

Perhaps Romain would be willing to commit to a broader involvment  
along these lines? With this said, I am sure Romain would be most  
welcomed and could attain MOTUism quickly.


Morten Kjeldgaard
mok0 at ubuntu.com
Key fingerprint = FC53 53B2 81D1 27CA 45D5  F864 078C F31B 4048 25E7

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