motu-release will revert libgems-ruby to the old state.

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Wed Sep 3 11:32:54 BST 2008

I dropped all the old text for this response as I couldn't see a single best 
message to reply to and I didn't want this to seem directed at any 

The motu-release/motu-uvf have been doing things that seemed generally 
sensible towards having a high quality Universe release beyond approving 
exceptions for quite some time.  While the particular action wasn't one that 
had needed to be taken before, I don't find it particularly conceptually 

If you will look, you will find that in Feisty we released with Universe 
packages still building and so the final package version can vary per 
architecture because there was no coordination of the end game of the release 
for Universe.  Starting with Gutsy, this is no longer true.  

For Gutsy and Hardy (and I expect Intrepid unless someone decides because 
there is no written rule we aren't permitted to do anything) 
motu-uvf/motu-release coordinated with ubuntu-release, developed schedules, 
and deadlines and issued them to MOTU for when uploads needed to be finished 
and approved individual uploads in the last day or two before the archive 
froze (these were clearly not UVFe/FFe) in the interests of having a 
consistent archive at release.  

Scott K

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