Ubuntu Core Developer application for Dustin Kirkland (kirkland)

Jamie Strandboge jamie at canonical.com
Wed Oct 29 17:57:40 GMT 2008

On Fri, 24 Oct 2008, Dustin Kirkland wrote:

> Howdy MOTU-Council-
> Please consider forwarding my application for Ubuntu Core Developer
> Membership to the Ubuntu Technical Board.

Here are my comments on his wiki[1] page for his MOTU application:
I work with Dustin on a day to day basis and have sponsored several of
his packages. His work is of high quality, and he also possesses two of
most important traits for being a good Ubuntu developer/contributor: he
asks questions (while critically accepting the answers) and learns from
his past efforts. I whole-heartedly recommend Dustin for MOTU.

and the Core Developer application:
I've also sponsored several of Dustin's uploads to "main", and am happy
with his work. Dustin is driven to good work, has learned a lot about
Debian packaging and Ubuntu processes, and asks questions when something
isn't clear. I've worked with him quite a bit with his ecryptfs-utils
work, and I can say he takes constructive criticism well, stands up for
what he believes is right, and works well with the community. All of
these qualities are very important for an Ubuntu Core Developer.


[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DustinKirkland

Ubuntu Security Engineer     | http://www.ubuntu.com/
Canonical Ltd.               | http://www.canonical.com/
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