[Fwd: Naming problem for the "Falcon Programming Language" in Ubuntu.]

Giancarlo Niccolai gc at falconpl.org
Mon Jan 14 13:21:32 GMT 2008

Sarah Hobbs wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Giancarlo Niccolai wrote:
>> I have been told to forward this mail to the council, because it
>> contains accusation of CoC violation. Although I understand it is
>> likely that the council also read the MOTU list, I complain.
>> Bests,
>> Giancarlo Niccolai.
> Did you actually speak to imbrandon at all, about this?  It would appear
> that you have a disagreement with one person, not an entire team.  To
> then blame the entire team for what one person (it is alleged) has done,
> seems rather over the top.  To complain about him, without at least
> attempting to mediate with him first, is also not a great idea.
> Hobbsee
We had many occasion to talk about this, and as I sustain, there was 
continuous opening and bringing up of the problem on my side both via 
mail and in the channel. Yet everything has been just done; *then* I 
have been just told what to do. Other than repeatedly (almost daily) 
bringing up the topic with the people that then acted without discussing 
the topic I really don't know what to do.

 From the mail you have, you may see that the behavior I am complaining 
about has been held by several MOTU members (at least 4) in various ways 
and occasions. Yet, I cannot see why you say that I am disagreeing with 
an entire team.

And most interesting question: why do you think I am complaining without 
having brought up the problem and having discussed the topic with the 
interested persons? -- do really my arguments and activity in the last 
month looked so empty and unrespectful?

Finally, it seems my point is not clear. I do not ask for blaming of 
involved people, nor for removal of packages. What I do ask (to the 
council) is if this behavior I am reporting of is considered compliant 
with the CoC, and (to the MOTUs) how the problem can be solved.

I think that, despite I demand this with some vehemence and with deep 
argumentation, there is no reason to intend this as any sort of 
aggressive behavior.

I am asking for what I thought I was given for granted, and that has 
been neglected: an open conversation on the topic.

Giancarlo Niccolai.

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