[Fwd: Naming problem for the "Falcon Programming Language" in Ubuntu.]

Stephan Hermann sh at sourcecode.de
Mon Jan 14 10:52:43 GMT 2008


On Mo, 2008-01-14 at 11:01 +0100, Giancarlo Niccolai wrote:
> Stephan Hermann wrote:
> > Good Morning,
> >
> > I don't see any intervention of the motu-council here.
> > You are talking about two different upstream projects,
> >   
> <snip>
> > And I think this is your problem right now. Not a technical or motu
> > problem...
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > \sh
> >   
> The reason why I ask for the council to take a position is not 
> technical; it's about the way the thing has been handled. I have a good 
> name, I post a package, he has a good name, he doesn't post a package; I 
> offer to fix things and to see if we can meet in the middle, he takes 
> the good name and *orders* me to change a quite gigantic work and 
> undertake another gigantic work so in future my work won't clash with 
> his. *This* is where I raise a question about CoC.

Well, Ubuntu (in general) or the MOTUs can't do anything about two
upstream authors coming up with the same name, as I pointed out already.
I'm not the motu-council, but I was in the very same position with a
upstream project of mine...I didn't even know that there was another
project with the same name.

TBH, you two have the right to name your projects however you like. If
there is someone who will package it, then those package maintainer will
find a way. That's why I always tell upstream authors to never package
their own software, because they are not objective.

> The technical question can be discussed in motu and/or devel list.
> And no, it's not *mine* problem (or did you mean your=the both of you; 
> in that case, no, it's not *our* problem). 

It is very likely your (your == you two) problem...because I would find
a technical solution and a good documentation why I rename binaries and
package sources.

> It will be Ubuntu users 
> problem when all the other distros will have a /usr/bin/falcon running 
> scripts (as they are having right now an open project request) while 
> Ubuntu will have a /usr/bin/falcon managing packages. 

Well, I don't know your project, neither do I know the other falcon
project. Having not a installation statistic available, it's quite
useless to discuss this. 
Ubuntu != the OSS universe..publish your software, someone will package
your project for redhat, suse, ubuntu,debian etc. and then you will
which porject is more known under the name of "Falcon". The user will
decide what they will use and the package maintainer will decide what to
do in case of name clashes and how to package the two projects.  

> That's the only 
> reason I am still here trying to sort out the technical aspect; for 
> respect towards Ubuntu users. In fact, my first reaction was just that 
> of requesting my package to be de-listed, but I understood this would 
> cause quite a mess, which I prefer to avoid through some sort of negotiate.

Well, when you respect the ubuntu users or your users in general (ubuntu
is not that special) then you would solve the problem by yourself. e.G.
you rename all your binaries and libs from falcon to falconpl (this is
just an example of a simple solution ! ) and then you can concentrate on
docing more goodness into your project.

Neither the users of linux nor the package maintainers of linux can deal
with social problems regarding naming of software projects. And yes, I
know how developers feel, when someone took their name for a different
project...they feel illtreated, but as I said in the very beginning,
this is not an ubuntu or motu problem, it's a problem between you and
dennis and the two "falcon" project. 

Now off to the gym, doing some sports

SysAdmin, OSS Developer
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