Considering component-specific work when reviewing applications

Michael Bienia michael at
Tue Aug 19 20:56:27 BST 2008

On 2008-08-19 20:51:20 +0200, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> Michael Bienia <michael at> writes:
> >> > This leads me to the question: what the main point on becoming a MOTU?
> >> > - is it the next reward for Ubuntu members who work hard on improving
> >> >   Ubuntu (development)? They have good technicals skills and we trust
> >> >   them enough to make them MOTUs (and allow them to upload directly)
> >> > - or is it: they have good technicals skills and we trust them enough to
> >> >   work unsupervised and allow them to upload directly (make them a
> >> >   MOTU).
> I'm not really sure that I understand the actual difference here. 

I try to make more clear what I meant. In some way it's the same
(membership in the MOTU team == upload rights to universe), but
depending on how one looks at MOTUship one can emphasize one side
or the other side a little more.

> We
> generally have some certain expectations from propective Ubuntu
> Developers (in no particular order, and certainly not exhaustive):
>  . they are technically skilled to maintain packages
>  . they are experienced enough to review and sponsor patches from other
>     prospective contributors
>  . they are recognized in the existing MOTU community
>  . they are familiar with ubuntu development policies and procedures
>  . they agree to the ubuntu philophy (think code of conduct, etc.)
> In some ways granting membership to a contributor that fulfills the
> expectations I outlined above is a reward, true. AFAIUI, we currently
> grant membership if the motu-council (and previously the technical
> board) is convinced that an applicant fulfills the expectations.

So given an applicant who meets our expecations:
Are we granting membership because the applicant meets the expectations
(and the upload rights are a "bonus"), or are we granting upload rights
to ease them contributing (and the membership is just technical detail)?

Or to put it an other way: what makes a person a "MOTU"?
- is it the membership in the ~motu team (and it's a coincidence that
  the team has upload rights)
- or is it the upload rights to universe/multiverse (which are granted
  by being a member of ~motu)

Perhaps I see a difference where no exists, but it depends on how one
defines "being a MOTU". And I currently don't know which view is correct
(if there is a correct view), perhaps it's like the "wave–particle
duality" of a photon.


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