MOTU application

Rick Clark rick at
Mon Apr 28 23:07:58 BST 2008

> > I would like to apply for MOTU.
> Although the comments from your sponsors sound promising, I still have
> some questions.
> >
> This doesn't show many (sponsored) uploads with your name attached to
> it, how comes?
I am the manager of the Ubuntu Server team at Canonical.  Uploads are just a 
small part of what I do for Ubuntu.  Also, I did not go through the normal 
sponsorship channel, since I have core developers that work for me, they did 
my uploads.

> > I maintain ldap-auth-client
> >
> > I have uploaded the following packages:
> >
> > likewise-open
> > virt-viewer
> > samba
> > heimdal
> > command-not-found
> > libpam-ldap
> > libnss-ldap
> > system-tools-backends
> > php-mcrypt
> > php-imap
>  From this list only virt-viewer, heimdal, php-mcrypt and php-imap are
> in universe. Any interest in maintaining those packages?
> How will being a MOTU help you in your work?
> What are your plans as a  MOTU?

When I initially uploaded them, likewise-open, libpam-ldap, and libnss-ldap 
were still in universe.  Part of what I was doing was preparing them for 

I would gladly maintain virt-viewer, but i think it might be moved to main in 
Intrepid.  I will probably choose a couple other packages to maintain that 
more closely align with my interests.

Being a MOTU will allow me to more easily help out with packages in universe.  
It will make my job easier, to not have to ask others to upload for me.

I am really dedicated to providing high quality server packages in universe.  
I think that we cannot put everything that users need in main, and universe 
makes Ubuntu a complete distribution.


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