Core-Dev Application: Till Kamppeter

Stefan Potyra stefan.potyra at
Wed Apr 2 10:16:52 BST 2008


On Tuesday 01 April 2008 23:58:15 Till Kamppeter wrote:
> I have sponsored the upload of the Ubuntu packages of Brother's
> proprietary but redistributable Linux printer drivers, packaged by
> Saïvann Carignan and Jeremy Schoenhaar, into multiverse. I have given
> them many hints and helped them a lot to get through this difficult
> packaging task. 

you describe this as a difficult packaging task. What in particular do you 
consider difficult here?

Also, I'm curious: Who gave the second ACK for the new package as required by 
MOTU policy for these packages?

Finally, the initially uploaded versions had severe packaging issues. What 
measures will you take, to avoid uploading packages with severe issues in the 

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