MOTU Application

Sarah Hobbs hobbsee at
Tue Sep 11 10:30:20 BST 2007

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Hi Laurent,

A few questions, before I give my response...

1.  What do you feel the quality of telepathy packages is like in Ubuntu?

2.  Do you think the freeze (in particular, UVFe) requirements are
reasonable, and what (if anything) would you like to see improved in
them?  Do you think that it is too much red tape, to file a UVFe,
including the part about giving reasons for the changes?

3.  Of your patches that have been incorrect, are you confident that you
have gained the skills to not make these mistakes again?  Remember,
upload rights are unrestricted, and a lot is based on trust.  There isnt
much (if any) peer review of uploads.

4.  How do you tend to deal with regressions in packages, particularly
after a freeze?


Laurent Bigonville wrote:
> Dear MOTU council,
> I hereby present my application as a Master of the Universe.
> I have started to use GNU/Linux in 2002 with Debian as my first
> distribution. I maintain several packages in Debian (vim-syntax-gtk,
> libssh, pam-keyring,...) and currently working with the telepathy team.
> I'm using Ubuntu since the Warty release.
> I'm really involved in Ubuntu since Hoary when I had to deploy it in the
> computer room of my faculty.
> Since then I have made a lot of bug reporting and bug triaging (member
> of ubuntu-qa), made patches for various packages and remounted bug to
> upstream or Debian. I also have taken care of my packages and the
> telepathy ones in Ubuntu and made some merge from Debian. I'm a (new)
> Ubuntu member too.
> As a MOTU, I whould mainly help on telepathy integration in Ubuntu and
> continue to help improving packages in Universe.
> For more information see or
> my launchpad profile (
> Regards
> Laurent Bigonville

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