MOTU Application

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at
Mon Nov 26 22:06:42 GMT 2007

On Monday 26 November 2007, Harald Sitter wrote:
| Dear MOTU Council.
| Please consider my application to become a MOTU.
| My name is Harald Sitter, I'm 19 years old, living in (Upper) Austria and
| this is my application to become a MOTU.

Seen this one coming via Twitter :)  All I have to say is that it is about 
time :)

| I'm using Ubuntu (+Kay) since the Breezy Badger times. My contributing work
| started in Dapper Drake development, by providing new packages of the
| finest KDE software. As of now, I'm working on getting the hottest new KDE
| software into universe and recently also started to do some work on GNOME
| related software (though I don't have a lot of time to work on this as
| well, since I'm also contributor of Amarok and KDE).
| I'm trying to fix every bug for which I might be able to come up with a
| solution, in favor of this I also founded the 'Amarok Wolf Brigade'
| Launchpad team where Amarok's upstream devs can track and squash Ubuntu
| bugs related to Amarok.

An Amarok 2 package along deserves my vote :)

| As a MOTU I'm going to revu as many packages as possible, since (good)
| packaging is really important, plus it also is a good start for
| contributions to Ubuntu. Further more I want to recruit new contributors
| and of course keep all universe packages in the best shape possible.

This is definitely something we can use in MOTU land no doubt. More attention 
to REVU (thank you Harald and JPatrick!). Recruitment is good, the more help, 
the more productive, most of the time.

| Informations about any of my package relations and other FLOSS projects I'm
| involved with are available on my Launchpad and Wiki pages:
| *
| *
| I CC'd my sponsors and want to say "thank you" to them, for giving me
| beloved feedback :-)
| * Jonathan Patrick Davies (jpatrick)
| * Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
| * Richard Johnson (nixternal)
| * Scott Kitterman (ScottK)
| * Sarah Hobbs (Hobbsee)
| (in alphabetical order)

I definitely enjoy working with Harald and have enjoyed doing so over the past 
couple of years. He definitely does good work as I haven't seen any of his 
packages kicked back that I can think of, nor have I had to turn down a revu. 
Actually Harald has taught me a few tricks that have changed in MOTU land of 
late and I am very appreciative of that.

So with that said, here is my stamp of approval for Harald as a MOTU. He will 
be a welcomed addition not only on the Kubuntu side, but to all of Ubuntu in 
general. Thanks Harald, and good luck!


Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at
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