MOTU Application

Emmet Hikory emmet.hikory at
Sun May 13 12:20:09 BST 2007

MOTU Council Members,

    Please consider my application to become a Master of the Universe.

Experience with MOTU activity:
    Breezy: Prepared a few patches (not debdiffs) applied by ajmitch, bddebian
    Dapper: 44 packages accepted into the archive (mostly bddebian)
    Edgy: 1 package accepted into the archive, applied by bddebian
    Feisty: 40 packages accepted into the archve (various sponsors)
    Gutsy:22 packages accepted into the archive (various sponsors)
    Details are available from

    During portions of the Dapper, Feisty, and Gutsy cycles, I was an
active participant on #ubuntu-motu, and provided help and guidance to
channel participants.

I consider myself the primary Ubuntu maintainer of the following packages:
    (soon: freqtweak)

MOTU Tasks in which I have been involved:
    libjack0.80.0 -> libjack0.100.0 transition.
    OpenAL -> OpenAL + ALUT transition
    .desktop files & icons for Universe
    libflac++5c2 -> libflac++ transition
    sync requests
    removal requests

Uploads of which I am most proud include:
    docbook 4.5-2ubuntu1
    torcs 1.2.4-2ubuntu1
    libjsw 1:1.5.6-0ubuntu1
    slashem 0.0.7E7F2-3ubuntu1
    vegastrike 0.4.3-4ubuntu3
    torcs 1.2.4-1ubuntu7
    openal 1:0.0.8-1ubuntu1

    I have never had a direct sponsor.  The cc: list includes those
with whom I have worked with the most, and who have provided
significant direct guidance on my work.  I was first encouraged to
become a MOTU in September 2005 by Barry deFreese, finally convinced
to start the application process by Sarah Hobbs in April 2007, and
notified that I did not first need to become an Ubuntu member by
Daniel Chen today.

Reason for application:
    As the processes tighten, Ubuntu matures, and the number of users
(and bugs) grow, it becomes increasingly difficult for the MOTUs to
actively track non-MOTU participants and manage uploads effectively.
Separately, I am now very interested in using PPAs as a resource for
pre-testing of some applications prior to upload.

Ubuntu Membership:
    I am not yet an Ubuntu member, but my application will be heard at
the 15th May 2007 Community Council Meeting.  Please see for an overview of all Ubuntu

    With interest in your response,


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