MOTU team process

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Mon Mar 19 10:41:07 GMT 2007

Hello everybody,

Am Samstag, den 17.03.2007, 13:57 +0000 schrieb Mark Shuttleworth:
> Yes - because the assumption was that people need to get into MOTU first. But we should keep the doors of MOTU wide open :-)

I certainly agree that we need to keep the doors of MOTU wide open. I
just don't think that having a team restricted or moderated makes much
of a difference.

In the days when 'ubuntu-dev' and 'ubuntu-core-dev' were moderated (the
TB changed it when the MOTU Council took over), lots of people tried to
join up on several teams at once and I wrote each and every one of the
'ubuntu-core-dev' and 'ubuntu-dev' applicants. Only ~30% of them
bothered to reply to my mail (I wrote around 70-80 of them) and of the
remaining applicants only a few managed to get involved in the MOTU

In my personal opinion, we need 
      * more people willing to mentor
      * better documentation
      * more publicity
      * more organized events.

I don't feel strongly about this, but I feel that writing a mail to the
MOTU Council (to join the ranks of the MOTUs) won't bother people more
than clicking the 'join the team' link. Also the measures mentioned
above will do a better job at guiding people in the right direction.

Have a nice day,

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