call for votes: KDE4 uploads to universe

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Fri Mar 9 09:26:45 GMT 2007

Hello everybody,

On Fr, 2007-03-09 at 02:52 +0100, Stefan Potyra wrote:
> Option (3):
> Further discussion.

I'd like to further discuss it. I think you have to make a distinction
between "stable everyday software" and "technology preview software". We
had a couple of other examples in the past, where we put software into
Universe which wasn't stable at all and didn't have the 'quality' tag
that all our other packages have. Think of telepathy, think of galago

Personally I think it's important to expose new software to users, so
upstream can get feedback from it and go from there. It's no shame to
try something new, see it crash, report a bug and move back to the old
software you're used to. It's software for the curious and it helps
upstream improve their software.

Of course this has to happen completely separate from the 'stable
branch' packages and complete recklessness isn't encouraged either.

Have a nice day,

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