MOTU Application

Gauvain Pocentek gauvainpocentek at
Thu Mar 8 17:20:17 GMT 2007

Jérémie Corbier a écrit :
> Hi everybody,
> On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 12:53:28PM +0100, Daniel Holbach wrote:
>>> offload my sponsors by managing myself the stuff I'm working on. My sponsors
>>> include Gauvain, Jeremie Corbier and Adrien Cunin (who are supporting my
>>> application).
>> As I didn't work much with you personally, I CCed all sponsors. Jérémie,
>> Adrien, Gauvain: how was working with Albin for you? How good are his
>> packaging skills?
> I have reviewed and sponsored quite a few uploads for Albin and have always been
> happy with his work. He has learnt a lot in the past couple of months (packaged
> libraries, python apps, ...) and I do think he is now ready to upload to
> Universe/Multiverse on his own. I would be really glad to see him join the MOTU
> team.

I totally agree with Jérémie. I've also sponsored and reviewed Albin's
packages (even the medibuntu and e17 ones which cannot be added to the
ubuntu repos for some reasons), and I'm really happy with his work.

I also really appreciate the fact that Albin never hesitates to ask
questions if something is not clear to him.

And having a new MOTU motivated to review/sponsor other people work
won't hurt :)

So +1 from me to have Albin in the team.


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