Sponsors Feedback about Marco Rodrigues

Sarah Hobbs hobbsee at ubuntu.com
Thu Dec 13 12:44:42 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

There were many more that I sponsored, or attempted to sponsor, in
gutsy, so will use the majority of those to base my decision (and some
of his later hardy ones, which were incorrect).

The debdiffs were in the correct form, and usually the ubuntu changes
were kept, as one would expect.  However, there were interesting pieces
of broken logic such as

*  "this package now has a debian maintainer (it was orphaned),
therefore, we can sync it, regardless of any ubuntu changes".  I'm
unsure if Marco now understands why this is wrong - it was explained to
him at least 5 times, by various people.  This package has ended up
being synced, for some unknown reason (it had ubuntu changes, there was
an incomplete sync request on it, as it was incorrect)

*  We can suddenly drop LTS-->LTS transitions, presumably because we've
had a non LTS release (ie, gutsy --> hardy), and because Debian hasn't
taken them.  I gave up at further attempting to figure out what was
going through Marco's brain at this point.

* Package removal requests of packages that were not in the archive,
because Debian had removed them.  This includes packages that were never
in Ubuntu (!), or only in a previous release.

* I saw a package that daniel had also looked at, which requested a sync
of a 0ubuntu1 package, as the upstream versions are the same, so it
therefore must be fine to sync.  (ie, 3.0-1 vs 3.0-0ubuntu1)

I'd also like to agree with what Jordan said:

 " * His bug reports still need work. They tend to not have much
information about the actual changes. I suggested to him that he needs
to regain his trust with the MOTU by telling us explicitly about the
changes he's making, keeping, and/or dropping so that we can see that he
really understands what he's doing. "

This applies to his changelogs in his debdiffs as well, which often say
that he's added a dependancy, etc, but not why, or what it does.

To finish with this mail, i'd like to point out that Marco has publicly
said that he does not feel he needs to improve, as he just wants to
contribute back, and does not want to become a MOTU.  I can fish out
this log (it was in #ubuntu-devel, so on irclogs.ubuntu.com) if required.

Consequently, I'm unconvinced that it would be worth giving him yet
another chance.  He seems quite bad at attention to detail - willfully so.


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