Include directory structure, and installation packages

Alan Griffiths alan.griffiths at
Thu Mar 21 12:14:31 UTC 2013

On 21/03/13 01:53, Daniel van Vugt wrote:
> I think I agree with RobertA's position the most so far. However we're
> going to confuse and complicate the discussion if everyone goes into
> the kind of detail sene below.
> I suggest the best way to establish a header layout is to just say
> what you want users of Mir to include. i.e. Express your opinion on
> the requirements. For example I would say something like:
> Clients include:
>    #include <mir/client/something.h>
> Server includes:
>    #include <mir/server/somethingelse.h>
> Common stuff (if required at all):
>    #include <mir/foo.h>
> or
>    #include <mir/common/foo.h>

At the risk of starting a side debate about renaming mir_toolkit I'll
try that:

client-side graphics toolkits include:

#include <mir_toolkit/something.h>

server-side graphics toolkits include:

#include <mir_toolkit/something.h>

server-side shell include:

#include <mir/somethingelse.h>

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