Lotsa numbers

Daniel van Vugt daniel.van.vugt at canonical.com
Thu Dec 12 01:19:12 UTC 2013

"0.1.2" is the upstream version number, and there is only one tarball;

I'm not sure where the suggestion of multiple upstream tarballs comes from.

For iterations between upstream releases, we have the -NubuntuM suffix. 
That's what it's for (!?).

On 12/12/13 03:51, Michał Sawicz wrote:
> On 11.12.2013 19:46, Kevin Gunn wrote:
>> I can't remember exactly why, but I believe its the release teams
>> process to add the date in when they insert it into archive.
> 0.1.2+14.04.20131128.1-0ubuntu2
> Upstream_Version+Target_Release.Date[.Iteration]
> AFAICT the purpose was to be able to easily determine what the package
> really is - as in what it's targeted for (14.04) and the unique release
> date (+optional iteration, if there were two on the same day).
> On top of that, 0.1.2 alone can't be the upstream version number, as
> code changes would be rejected by dpkg - you can't have two upstream
> .orig tarballs with different contents (that generally excludes the
> debian/ folder).

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