[Maas-devel] Python code reorganization

Gavin Panella gavin.panella at canonical.com
Wed Jun 13 10:55:04 UTC 2012

On 13 June 2012 09:28, Raphaƫl Badin <raphael.badin at canonical.com> wrote:
> See, that's precisely why I think the reorg is worth it: 'maas' is the
> Django project and nothing should go in there.  That's indeed the
> problem this reorg wants to tackle: we have no single 'maas' python
> module where to put things.

So, something like:

  maas -> maasapp, but off the default sys.path.
  *    -> maas.*


I think that's good, but we probably want to find out how namespace
packages are handled by packagers. If parts of maas.* are packaged
separately, for example, each package will want to install
/usr/share/pyshared/maas and /usr/share/pyshared/maas/__init__.py,
creating conflicts.

>> 2. We may discover a workaround for the South restrictions before we
>>    get around to moving anything.
> I suggest doing things the other way around: reorg the structure and
> then see if we can also rename the 2 existing Django applications using
> South.

Yeah, I suppose that's good too.

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