[Maas-devel] Maas weekly checkpoint meeting notes - 2012-01-31

Francis J. Lacoste francis.lacoste at canonical.com
Tue Jan 31 20:55:50 UTC 2012

Attendees: mrevell, bigjools, Daviey, flacoste

 * Huw has some wire-frames available.


 * Dan has a line up of folks to test mock-ups with.

 * Matt has a call tomorrow with Federico to discuss where Maas ends
   and Landscape starts.

 * Dan is planning a card sort for next Monday to group the preferences

 * txaws and other dependencies are packaged. Available in PPA and being
   reviewed for landing in Precise universe.

Set up story

 * Still waiting on Diogo to file the RT about the lab. Was trying to
   anticipate IS questions. Best practice there is to have a call with
   IS and file the RT based on the output of the call. (RT #50627 was
   filed after the meeting)

 * jtv's cobbler fake needs validation based on real cobbler (see Add a
   node story)

 * Gavin's removal of launchpadlib as a dependency for oops-datedir-repo
   is pending review. Not blocking anything (but flacoste would like the
   WIP be completed!)

Add a node story

 * Problems with Cobbler integration.

 * Jtv is working with smoser and other server team members to set up
   odev (orchestra dev) to be able to run dev and test instances of

 * Jtv wasn't able to run it (was only working in 64bits environment).
   Patch fixing that is in.

 * Web app-side is going smoothly.

 * What's missing for completing the design of 'Add a node' story?
   * Only wireframe. Needs fleshing out the style.
   * Need firm direction from Markus. Should all set by Friday.

 * Friday is also bijools gut feel for when they will start looking at
   another story.

Other business

   * Are we letting cobbler runs these? Or reference external ones.

   * Initial plan is to have cobbler run these. Although later stories
     will require operating with a foreign DHCP server authoritative on
     the network.

   * No plans to integrate with non-cobbler managed services though.

  * Versioning of API?
    * Initially we won't have versionining, although URL scheme allows
      for versions in the future.
  * Daviey would like a code sample of adding a node through the API.
    [ACTION] bigjools to provide a code sample to Daviey

  * Juju integration. It's likely that Red will have to do the

    * Daviey wanted bigjools quoted that adapting the cobbler provider
      for the Maas "should be pretty easy". (As a reminder, bigjools
      worked on Soyuz, so everything else is pretty easy :-p)

Francis J. Lacoste
francis.lacoste at canonical.com

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