[Maas-devel] Maas weekly checkpoint meeting notes - 2012-01-24

Francis J. Lacoste francis.lacoste at canonical.com
Thu Jan 26 16:43:27 UTC 2012

Attendees: mrevell, bigjools, Daviey, flacoste

 * Setup story is working nicely.
    * Working on booting a node with Cobbler.
    * Enlistment API set-up
    * CSS from Huw is coming in
    * Javascript will come next
    * Hard bits are related to testing.
        * Unit testing are using fake objects.
        * Integration testing needs cobbler running.
    * Once we have the cobbler integration part nailed down, the
      'Add a node' story become only adding a screen to the web UI.

* Documentation auto-generated on carob.
    * [ACTION] Bigjools to send the documentation link to the Maas list.

* Daviey reports that Rick wonders if we need some hardware for
  continuous integration
    * Diogo is currently using one machine from smoser's lab.
    * We should focus on the virtualized story first as it allow easy
      local testing.

* Lab for OpenStack testing
    * Should we reuse the OpenStack testing lab? It currently uses
      Orchestra to test Openstack with Juju.
    * Purpose is to signal upstream that OpenStack works fine on Ubuntu
    * Ideally, we would like upstream to gate on it
    * This last point means that it wouldn't be a good idea to add the
      Maas component to the mix as it would muddle the signal.
    * We want a separate QA environment to continuously ensure the
      story going from metal to a live Openstack cluster works.

    [ACTION] Diogo to contact James Page and file a RT to get a
    continuous lab set-up.

* Huw should have mock-up tomorrow for the Add node / Node overview.

* Matt is scheduling a call with Markus to establish the project
  position on the branding sliders.

* Julian gave a list of packages to Daviey that will need packaging.

* Andres Rodriguez, couldn't be at the Rally
    * Owned orchestra development last cycle
    * Daviey wants to implicate him more in the Maas project

    [ACTION] Daviey to update the status of the blueprints.

* Is it too early to introduce Maas to the archive
    * Should hold on until we have the 'Add a node' story completed

* Messaging around the project
    * Daviey wants to know if it's fine to discuss the project publicly.
    * We don't want to shout and make announcement around it, but it
      should be fine to talk about it in the open at this time.
    * We probably want to start talking more vocally about it around
      beta time
      when it will become part of the server new features.

Francis J. Lacoste
francis.lacoste at canonical.com

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