[lubuntu-users] Lubumtu 19.10
Chris Guiver
guiverc at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 01:00:09 UTC 2019
The base of any Ubuntu flavor is ubuntu, so some commands reflect
this, for example if I run `lsb_release -a` on my Lubuntu box, I get
guiverc at d960-ubu2:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch)
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal
LSB is short for linux_standard_base; the -a tells it to display all
fields. It's something IBM wanted to GNU/Linux to have in hopes of
avoiding 1980s unix diversity problems long ago, most of us don't use
it thus the "No LSB modules are available" message is not a problem
(actually it's good, we're not wasting disk space with stuff we won't
The key to that is how my Lubuntu reports using that command, ie.
Ubuntu (at it's core).
Lubuntu is the ubuntu base with a different desktop & software. Modern
Lubuntu (eg. my 20.04 development release version) uses LXQt same as
all Lubuntu 18.10 up use. Legacy Lubuntu used LXDE, where the as the
default desktop for Ubuntu is now GNOME, but was Unity in 17.04 &
before (ie. our software is like a living system & changes occur).
If I use `neofetch` (I'll copy/paste `neofetch --off` as the pretty
logo may not look very neat in your mail client)
guiverc at d960-ubu2:~$ neofetch --off
guiverc at d960-ubu2
OS: Ubuntu Focal Fossa (development branch) x86_64
Host: OptiPlex 960
Kernel: 5.3.0-19-generic
Uptime: 1 day, 3 hours, 58 mins
Packages: 4407 (dpkg), 14 (snap)
Shell: bash 5.0.11
Resolution: 1920x1080, 1920x1080
WM: Openbox
WM Theme: Clearlooks
Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3]
Icons: oxygen [GTK2/3]
Terminal: qterminal
Terminal Font: Monospace 12
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 (4) @ 2.667GHz
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon HD 5000/6000/7350/8350 Series
Memory: 4407MiB / 7832MiB
You'll note my OS is reported as Ubuntu still, but DE (desktop)
reports as LXQt, as found in Lubuntu. (some of the data for this
command is located in /etc/os-release , where
/var/log/installer/media-info will contain clues as to what
media/release you used to install your system
All Ubuntu releases are given a name, Bionic Beaver was for 18.04
(beaver the animal, 'bionic' the 'special' word used in packaging to
signify that release (the letter increments; though started again
after 'zesty zapus'/17.04 with 17.10/'artful aardvark') 18.10 was a
C, 19.04 an D, and 19.10 being Eoan Ermine (ermine the animal, 'eoan'
the 'special' word used in packaging). You'll note many of us refer
to releases by 'special' name (why I added 'special') as whilst the
animals may be cute (for wallpapers etc), our sources use the
'special' word (18.04 is referred to as 'bionic' in
If you're using 'bionic' you'll be on 18.04 (and legacy LXDE), though
Lubuntu 19.10 as per your heading refers to 'eoan' using the modern
LXQt desktop (where you'll find our current manual the most helpful -
On 11/27/19, denniscastanos at gmail.com <denniscastanos at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks much for info. I be checking it out after work. I do get confuse on
> which flavor I’m using. I think it’s Ubuntu Bionic Beaver but not sure. Do
> you happen to know the command I can enter in the terminal to give me which
> distribution I’m using? I not much of a geek, but rather use Ubuntu-Lubuntu
> over Windows.
> Thanks again, Dennis
> Monday, November 25, 2019, 6:55 PM -0800 from guiverc at gmail.com
> <guiverc at gmail.com>:
>>I'll point you to the Lubuntu manual chapter 5.1 for how to use the
>>Quick Launch feature on the LXQt panel (task bar).
>>(the ?highlight.. bit isn't needed, it's what I searched for and I
>>decided not to remove it).
>>Myself, I've added a panel on the side of my primary display, and used
>>the Quick Launch feature to add my most used programs to it, then made
>>it larger so it works somewhat like Unity did when it was the main
>>desktop for Ubuntu (actually better I think than GNOME does now
>>still). I learnt to use it from the Lubuntu manual myself.
>>The only 'trick' is covered in the manual, find the wanted program in
>>your menus, and drag it to the quick launch section (or desktop etc)
>>and ONLY drop when there is a green + icon, if you drop when it's RED
>>it's cancelled. The first time detecting where it's GREEN can be a
>>little tricky (esp. if your panel is thin like mine) but use
>>"Configure Panel" to ensure you've not removed the "Quick Launch" area
>>if you cannot find it (ie. add it back if you removed it; and the list
>>of widgets are a great clue to knowing where your Quick Launch area is
>>located on your panel; adjust with the UP/DOWN arrows if it's not
>>where you want it).
>>I'm not sure what you mean by Ubuntu 18.03, there was no Ubuntu
>>release in 2018-March, nor how it relates to your Lubuntu 19.10
>>question sorry.
>>On 11/26/19, denniscastanos at gmail.com < denniscastanos at gmail.com > wrote:
>>> Can anyone help me pin an app to the task bar in Lubuntu 19.10 ? I did a
>>> search and found other users are asking same questions. Is there a glitch
>>> in
>>> the app. I using Ubuntu 18.03 but could use something lighter.
>>> Thanks Dennis
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