[lubuntu-users] Lubuntu 19.04 installer . . . no errors!! first time . . . .

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 18:28:13 UTC 2019

et al:

Just to update, got the 19.04 live edition . . . used mkusb to create
startup flash drive . . . this am ran the install, basically repeating the
steps I did for 19.10 . . . only difference in this install the installer
asked me to flag the EFI partition as "esp" . . . which I did.  A few
minutes later install was "done."

This time I shut down rather than reboot . . . and on cold boot (not
holding alt/option) Lubuntu loaded and we were logging in . . . .

Ran an update/upgrade . . . ran "update-grub" which it had already done . .
. sync'd into Firefox . . . in a few minutes I'll be shutting it down for a
number of hours . . . we'll see how things go on cold boot . . . .  But, in
contrast to 19.10 "failure" . . . 19.04 install went well.

Possibly the 19.10 issues might relate to a problem I had over in Leap 15.1
where the recent kernel would not work with nouveau and/or nvidia card . .
. which I have, and could be that 19.04 represents a "falling back" in
kernels . . . and therefore it works in 19.04 . . . ???

O well, hind sight is 100% . . . supposedly a newer kernel is coming out in
a few days . . . perhaps I'll try to upgrade via console or GUI to 19.10
and see how that goes then??

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