[lubuntu-users] Going "Alpha" aka "Disco Inferno" on it . . . some things different, some not

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at gmail.com
Sun Jan 20 00:51:23 UTC 2019

On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 7:15 AM Fritz Hudnut <este.el.paz at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm using lubuntu-18.10 and the file dialogs don't remember there size.
>> FeatherPad
>> Scanlite
>> Screenshot
>> LibreOffice
>> probably others.
>> Firefox and Thunderbird seem to.
>> Has anyone else seen this?
> Yes, I believe so, just checking now in pcman ??  window, right clicking
> on "office" and "graphics" shows file sizes of "0 bytes" . . . .  Also in
> that same window opened from toolbar the "Home" folder when clicked on
> shows "invalid entry" error, same with "Root" . . . .  I believe I also get
> the same message when I click on those desktop icons as well . . . .
> Will be doing an update in a few minutes, and have not filed a bug report
> yet on it--there are a few of these type of issues in Lu 18.10 as of right
> now.
> F

et al:

Seems like this prior thread is a "hot" topic, as even the OP hasn't
responded to it . . . but, a couple days back after checking on the above
items, I went back to my usual behaviors checking my IG feed, and over
there I found some "misbehaviors" trying to scroll down through what was a
"pop-up" window, that kept returning to the top of the drop down . . . so I
considered Walter's reply from a month or so back suggesting that I needed
to do a fresh install of 18.10 to solve the minor annoyance of having the
tool bar open in the middle of the screen and then bounce to the top where
I wanted it--wasn't enough of a problem to warrant the time.

But, with these other "problems" showing up in spite of doing upgrades to
18.10 I decided to try the fresh install, looking online for the latest
download I found "Disco Inferno" 19.04 (Alpha) is available--so I DL'd both
and burned them to a flashdrive . . . (Inferno, get it?)  And, in the
comparo they didn't seem radically different . . . so I went with (Alpha)
Inferno . . . and all went well . . . back into my previous user /home and
all that stuff was fine.

So, reason for posting, in both the latest version of 18.10 and in the new
19.04, the problems that James might possibly be referring to, the
>properties window still showed "0 bytes" in the apps he listed . . . .
And, also, the desktop icons for "home" 2x clicking brings an Error window
"Invalid desktop entry file: 'file:$HOME' . . . .

On the "positive" side . . . 19.04 does seem to be "faster" as far as
loading web pages and also seemingly in the Terminal . . . seems "speedier"
. . . with kernel 4.18 at the helm . . . might be "faster" than one of my
OpenSUSE TW partitions that I believe has 4.19 . . . hard to check that out
since they are not both simultaneously bootable . . . .  Let's just say
that I can't or won't complain about the "speed" of 19.04 . . . it's
smokin' hot.  : - )))))

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