[lubuntu-users] [lubuntu-devel] Lubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) Released!

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at gmail.com
Sun Oct 21 12:36:05 UTC 2018

Den 2018-10-21 kl. 13:44, skrev Nio Wiklund:
> Den 2018-10-21 kl. 13:30, skrev Nio Wiklund:
>> Den 2018-10-21 kl. 13:27, skrev Nio Wiklund:
>>> Den 2018-10-21 kl. 02:04, skrev Aere Greenway:
>>>> On 10/20/18 2:13 PM, Aere Greenway wrote:
>>>>> On 10/19/18 11:01 PM, Simon Quigley wrote:
>>>>>> You can find the full release announcement here:
>>>>>> https://lubuntu.me/cosmic-released
>>>>>> Please also take a look at the release video made by Michael from
>>>>>> TuxDigital:
>>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRgcsTQGvwU
>>>>>> I just want to say thanks to everyone who has participated in these
>>>>>> mailing lists over this past cycle, whether it's helping other 
>>>>>> people,
>>>>>> reporting problems for us to solve, or discussing issues in 
>>>>>> general, you
>>>>>> all are very much appreciated. :)
>>>>>> If anyone is lurking and wanting to get more involved with the 
>>>>>> project,
>>>>>> now's your time to reach out. At the start of the 19.04 cycle we're
>>>>>> going to have a lot to do, and not just in terms of technical 
>>>>>> tasks, but
>>>>>> the Lubuntu Manual needs some more work as well as other 
>>>>>> non-technical
>>>>>> tasks. Feel free to send me an email with what you would like to help
>>>>>> with, and we can find a place for you. That's what at least seven 
>>>>>> people
>>>>>> (listed on the release announcement) did throughout the cycle, and we
>>>>>> found a place for them where every single one of them has made an
>>>>>> incredible impact on the project. It could be you, seriously!
>>>>>> Until the 19.04 codename is announced, I would encourage Lubuntu
>>>>>> contributors to take a short break if there's nothing to help with 
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> respect to 18.10. I'll personally be taking a short break from 
>>>>>> directly
>>>>>> contributing until the codename is announced, with the exception of
>>>>>> packages that need to be uploaded.
>>>>>> Thanks again, and have a good night.
>>>>> All:
>>>>> I began testing Lubuntu 18.10, and ran into some things that are 
>>>>> different, which I wanted to ask about before I start making 
>>>>> assumptions.
>>>>> 1. I usually test 32-bit systems first.  I noticed that a 32-bit 
>>>>> DVD or USB would go a very long time without booting on a machine 
>>>>> with 64-bit hardware.  I gave up trying to boot it after about 10 
>>>>> minutes. There was no indication of a problem - it just took too 
>>>>> long to boot (I finally gave up), from either USB or DVD.  However, 
>>>>> that same live-DVD system booted fine on a machine with 32-bit 
>>>>> hardware.  In the past, I could install a 32-bit OS on 64-bit 
>>>>> hardware, but it appears it will not even boot on 18.10 (and there 
>>>>> is no error indication).  Is this behavior expected?
>>>>> 2. I don't use QWERTY keyboard layout, so I change the keyboard 
>>>>> layout to English-Dvorak.  On Lubuntu 18.10, I was unable to figure 
>>>>> out how to do that.  If I keep trying, I may discover a way.  How 
>>>>> do you change the keyboard layout on Lubuntu 18.10?
>>>>> 3. On past levels of Lubuntu, Thunderbird Mail was the e-mail 
>>>>> client. I have had bad experiences in the past migrating to new 
>>>>> e-mail clients, which appears to be necessary with Lubuntu 18.10.  
>>>>> I realize using Thunderbird Mail on Lubuntu 18.10 would cause a 
>>>>> large number of libraries to be installed.  But if I am willing to 
>>>>> put up with that, will Thunderbird Mail work on Lubuntu 18.10?
>>>>> - Aere
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> Aere
>>>> Regarding item 1, the 32-bit DVD boots successfully (and installs a 
>>>> system) as long as it is booted on 32-bit hardware.  It won't boot 
>>>> on 64-bit hardware, and I think after a long-time, it reported an 
>>>> error that it couldn't find the bootable file (something like 
>>>> that).  The 32-bit USB boots successfully on a 32-bit machine, but 
>>>> not on a 64-bit machine.
>>>> On item 2, I figured out how to change keyboard layouts.  It's very 
>>>> much like the prior level (I don't know why I didn't think of that). 
>>>> You insert a keyboard control widget in the panel, and use that to 
>>>> add a new layout (DVORAK), and switch to it.
>>>> On item 3, I had to install a number of gnome-based tools (such a 
>>>> gdebi), and they worked okay, so perhaps Thunderbird Mail may work 
>>>> (I hope).
>>>> - Aere
>>>> -- 
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Aere
>>> Hi Aere,
>>> I am able to boot Lubuntu 18.10 in my Toshiba laptop with 64-bit 
>>> architecture both in UEFI and BIOS mode.
>>> http://www.toshiba.se/laptops/satellite-pro/c850/satellite-pro-c850-19w/
>>> I used mkusb to create a persistent live drive (using default 
>>> settings). Maybe your problem depends on the tool you use to create 
>>> the live drive, or maybe it depends on the particular 64-bit 
>>> computer, maybe there is another problem.
>>> Best regards
>>> Nio
>> Edit: Adding screenshots
> Edit 2: I added the command 'uname -a' showing that it is the 32-bit 
> version of Lubuntu. And the mail to the user list bumped because of the 
> size, so I copied and pasted the text into a text file which is small.

Edit 3:

I tried again, this time *cloning* with mkusb from the iso file to a USB 
pendrive, and it failed in my Toshiba laptop with 64-bit architecture 
both in BIOS mode.

The syslinux boot was activated. It booted, but left me with Busybox and 
the prompt


Need I tell you, that both the cloned system and the persistent live 
system boot successfully in my old IBM Thinkpad T41 (using forcepae to 
make the ancient Pentium M CPU happy).

Persistent live drives by mkusb boot via grub both in UEFI and BIOS 
mode. So it seems there is a problem to boot via syslinux in 64-bit 
computers, a problem, that we did not solve before the release.

You can work around it by booting via grub also in BIOS mode. This can 
be fixed in a convenient way, when you create a persistent live drive 
with mkusb.


Is this a known and reported bug (or should Aere or I report it)?

Best regards

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