[lubuntu-users] Cosmic Lu - NEXT 18.10 -- bug reports filed

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 17:18:06 UTC 2018

On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 9:24 AM ∅ <wxl at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 08:38:22AM -0700, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
> > Hence the name "testing" . . . just taking one on the chin for the team
> . .
> Yeah, but in a sense it's sort of pointless. Lubuntu Next is a
> prototype. Not meant for production use. We don't support it in any way
> at all. If anyone is using it, I would highly advise against them doing
> so, because we can't really offer much in the way of support for its
> inevitable quirks, which you are clearly experiencing.

Well, these days in linux I'm into the "prototypical" . . . and considering
the advice against using it 18.04 Next was/is a very nice system, and
generally the 18.10 system seems to be fine overall . . . just a couple of
complaints, and the one issue was repaired from within apt . . . .

> Well, that's not entirely correct. It's not happening on a fresh install
> of the "next" version of Lubuntu, 18.10. It seems to be affecting only
> upgraded systems based on the Lubuntu Next prototype.
> > Alrighty, how would I find the version of the panel?
> Consult your package manager of choice. I like using the command line
> and so would generally do:
>   apt-cache policy lxqt-panel

Running that command brings:

"~$ apt-cache policy lxqt-panel
  Installed: 0.13.0-0ubuntu5
  Candidate: 0.13.0-0ubuntu5
  Version table:
 *** 0.13.0-0ubuntu5 500
        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu cosmic/universe amd64
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status"

> I have now added an (albeit incomplete) list of packages to the bugs
> page, so you won't have this problem anymore. At least as long as
> "taskbar" makes sense. Admittedly the language used there is consistent
> with standard nomenclature describing components of all desktop
> environments in Linux.
> > . . . I don't even know if apport
> > has been installed in my Lubuntu install . . . .
> Check your package manager.

Thanks for trying to make the information on bugs more clear, so far
generally there hasn't been a need for apport . . .

> > There is/was also the splash window saying "ubuntu 18.10" rather than
> > "lubuntu 18.10" problem which I piggy-backed onto the bug report . . . .
> And I believe this also falls under the problem of upgrading from the
> prototype. No problem exists in a fresh install, nor an upgraded
> standard LXDE 18.04 system.

OK, small price to pay for the time saving of upgrading out of a proto
version . . . not enough of an issue to justify running a fresh install and
setting everything up again . . . .  If there might be some way of fiddling
with the panel in some way I would try to edit/modify something to get the
panel to just "be" at the top when I log in I would make the effort on it.

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