[lubuntu-users] Cosmic Lu - NEXT 18.10 -- bug reports filed

Fritz Hudnut este.el.paz at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 15:38:22 UTC 2018


Thanks again for the reply and the data . . . .

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 8:14 PM Walter Lapchynski <wxl at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> > My upgrade was from the console . . . .
> And indeed part of the problem is that you're upgrading from an
> unsupported release. We have no idea what might happen as a result of
> this because it's pretty much untested.

Hence the name "testing" . . . just taking one on the chin for the team . .
. .  So, hard to know what's this about, this "flash" on the screen of the
panel opening and then moving up on the display wasn't happening in the "Lu
Next 18.04" install . . . but, is now happening in the next version of

> > Panel. yes.  From logging into the GUI is when this happens.
> And this still happens? Which version of lxqt-panel?
Alrighty, how would I find the version of the panel?  I right-clicked on
the panel and it gives me various options, but nothing for "about this
panel" . . . I would assume it is the Lubuntu 18.10 version?

> > it continues to be "obtuse" as far as
> > finding the proper places to file bugs
> Have you consulted the [wiki page][1]? tl;dr `ubuntu-bug
> name_of_application`. For this, you would have done `ubuntu-bug
> lxqt-panel` for the first bug and the second one is a little unclear.
> Suspend could mean all sorts of different things, but you might have
> started with `ubuntu-bug xscreensaver`.
> [1]: https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/bugs/

Thanks also for those commands, I would not have been able to come up with
"lxqt-panel" for describing the problem . . . I don't even know if apport
has been installed in my Lubuntu install . . . .

It does seem like the revive from suspend issue is likely fixed by that
recent upgrade . . . I had done several of them since the change to Lu
18.10 and the problem had persisted.  I will spend a bit more time messing
with it before posting on the bug report, which, rifling around on the bug
report didn't seem to show any place where it could be removed or deleted?
I can just post a comment saying "problem is gone" and the bug report will
drift slowly into the depths of the following bug reports . . . ????

There is/was also the splash window saying "ubuntu 18.10" rather than
"lubuntu 18.10" problem which I piggy-backed onto the bug report . . . .


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