[lubuntu-users] uploaded: almost the released 16.04.1 LTS version for PowerPC

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 10:42:09 UTC 2016

Den 2016-07-25 kl. 02:20, skrev Simon Quigley:
> The Lubuntu team unfortunately can NOT recommend these images due to
> Phill not being a member of the team any more[1] and it not being an
> official server or builder.
> To be clear, we didn't release Lubuntu 16.04.1 for PowerPC, and there
> are no official images that we can recommend. I would recommend that
> people stay away from these images because of the aforementioned concerns.
> [1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/lubuntu-devel/2016-May/000538.html

Hi Simon, all Lubuntu users and particularly Lubuntu PowerPC users,

Simon is right about not recommending these images. He is representing 
Lubuntu officially, and can only recommend images (iso files) that are 
released by Ubuntu. We failed to test (and verify) them, so there are no 
Lubuntu 16.04.1 LTS powerpc iso files.

I think the first point release of every LTS release is the most 
important version, most useful for a long period, and I wanted to 
provide a 'work-around' for the powerpc users, who obviously are waking 
up late for 16.04.1 LTS ;-)

It was my idea to get these images uploaded at Phill's server (it was 
not an intrusive move by him).

So, Simon, if you have to be angry, be angry with me.


I understand and accept, that you cannot recommend these images. They 
are no official images, they are not released by Ubuntu. But I think 
that these powerpc image are close enough [to 16.04.1 LTS] to be useful. 
I was/am suggesting them as a fellow Lubuntu user, nothing official.


It is also possible to use the current daily and daily-live images, 
which should work, but they will be less stable, something between using 
a rolling release and the point release, if I understand correctly.

Anyway, they provide a good alternative, maybe the best alternative for 
many of us, and you find the iso files directly for the Lubuntu desktop 
powerpc version at


or via the qa tracker


and for the Lubuntu alternate powerpc version at



I understand, that these current daily and daily-live images cannot be 
recommended like released versions, because they are new and not tested.

In the best of worlds, you, who own PowerPC computers, will get 
interested enough to keep testing the current xenial iso files, so that 
they will be tested and released as Lubuntu 16.04.{2,3,4,5} LTS when the 
time comes for those releases (starting with 16.04.2 six months from now).

Please start reporting test results as soon as possible but at least a 
few weeks before each deadline to give the developers time enough to fix 
bugs before the release.

Best regards

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