Lubuntu 15.10 64 bit daily build iso..problems

Henk Terhell hterhell at
Fri Sep 25 07:56:09 UTC 2015

Have you solved your sound problem meanwhile?
In recent installations of L. 15.10 amd64 I also have no sound from my 
digital outside usb speakers, wheras there is no problem with other 
distros on this desktop.
Pavucontrol shows there is signal.


Op 2015-09-21 om 17:05 schreef Michael Hirons:
> Hi Group..I upgraded 14.04.2 today with the 15.10 iso,The upgrade went 
> well but I have the following problems ie no sound whatsoever, unable 
> to install usb printer HP 15.12[but network printer HP 2540 is found 
> and installs after installing Hplip.
> Can anyone help please?  Michael UK

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