Lubuntu ISO prototype, build with LXQt 64 bit
rcmn73 at
Wed Sep 23 14:29:47 UTC 2015
Thank you for you answers.
I have been using the mini.iso for the past year , year and half. It
mostly worked at the end. But I always have to hunt down missing
packages. Last time for example I could not make SDDM to function
properly. I had to fall back to lightDM . Actually I did not have much
time and I simply install lubuntu and added LXQT repo. I though it was
a little silly since I had no difficulties previously.
Anyway I know that (gilir) has a 32bit iso being built \ rebuilt
regularly and I thought maybe someone had the same with a 64bit.
It's fine. I'll wait for an official alpha or beta.
Thank you.
On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 8:41 PM, Brendan Perrine <walterorlin at> wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Sep 2015 18:28:20 -0500
> Israel <israeldahl at> wrote:
> Yes mini .iso is an option for 64 bit. However if using the mini.iso you need to install software-properties-common so you can add the lubuntu-dev/lubuntu-dialy ppa and then run sudo apt-get update to update the package list. If you think it is a lubuntu problem with lxqt report bugs to
>> I know they hang out here, but with Wily coming out
> Yes mini.iso is an option. However if you wish to add the ppa for lxqt you need to install software-properties-common which contains the apt-add-reprository command so you add the ppa. Then you can install the lxqt- packages with apt-get. Report problems with it on lubuntu to or to the github tracker for lxqt if it is an lxqt issue.
> --
> Brendan Perrine <walterorlin at>
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