Lubuntu ISO prototype, build with LXQt 64 bit

Israel israeldahl at
Tue Sep 22 23:28:20 UTC 2015

Hi, you may have to contact the Lubuntu developers directly,
I know they hang out here, but with Wily coming out soon, they may be
far too busy to hang out on the users list.
That said, Rafael works directly with them, so maybe he can find out or
give you the answer.
It may be that the work on Wily has taken up the developers time fully
and building a 64bit ISO is not on the roadmap until the next cycle.

Another help might be to use a preseed url from the Ubuntu Mini ISO, if
it exists.

I know that will also take a bit longer than 20 minutes, but it will
also require much less effort on your part.

On 09/22/2015 12:40 PM, rcmn73 wrote:
> Anyone on this ?
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 2:27 PM, rcmn73 <rcmn73 at> wrote:
>> I think this message is mostly a question for Julien (gilir). So I have been
>> using mini install + lxqt for about a year an a half or more on my main
>> machine.And it works, but it does take more than the usual 20min of a plain
>> iso install. I wish I could just benefit from your effort with the ISO build
>> .Unfortunately it's a 32bit build . Do you know of any 64bit build ? If not
>> , do you have somewhere a step by step of your 32bit build ?
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> R.


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