Re: AW: New to linux and lubuntu, with STEAM install problem

Peter Golis golisp at
Thu Dec 31 12:37:49 UTC 2015

Please read it until sentence "it's working with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on iMac 2008 via Dual-boot with rEFInd."
> Od: <leszek.lesner at>
> Komu: Peter Golis <golisp at>, <bob.luckie at>
> Dátum: 31.12.2015 12:46
> Predmet: AW: New to linux and lubuntu, with STEAM install problem
> CC: lubuntu-users at
And i386 should be enabled by default on 64bit by nowVon: leszek.lesner at web.deGesendet: Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2015 12:45An: Peter Golis; bob.luckie at gmail.comCc: lubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.comBetreff: AW: New to linux and lubuntu, with STEAM install problem 
Might work for Lubuntu LTS. But ia32libs was removed on newer versions as far as I knowVon: Peter GolisGesendet: Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2015 12:29An: leszek.lesner at; bob.luckie at gmail.comCc: lubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.comBetreff: Re: New to linux and lubuntu, with STEAM install problem
Hello All,
I'm not gamer, but will be better to add i386 architecture and install missing packaces as is written in that link?
> Od: <leszek.lesner at>
> Komu: <bob.luckie at>
> Dátum: 31.12.2015 10:41
> Predmet: Re: New to linux and lubuntu, with STEAM install problem
> CC: lubuntu-users at
Then please install those packages that it tells you are necessary to run. 
As you are on a 64bit system it needs the 32bit libraries explicetely to be installed. So fire up a terminal and enter
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri:i386  libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libc6:i386

This should be everything to get it going. 

Am Do. Dez. 31 02:38:44 2015 GMT+0100 schrieb Bob Luckie:
> bob at bob-NY540AA-ABA-CQ5210F:~$ steam
> Package libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 needs to be installed
> Package libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 needs to be installed
> Package libc6:i386 needs to be installed
> Running Steam on ubuntu 14.04 64-bit
> STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
> Error: You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not
> run:
> /home/bob/.local/share/Steam/ line 755:
> /home/bob/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam: No such file or directory
> On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 8:04 PM, <leszek.lesner at> wrote:
> > It needs apparently libc6:i386 installed.
> > General questions:
> > Which version of Lubuntu?
> > Which plattform? (32bit 64bit)
> >
> > Running it from Terminal mostly gives a more verbose error output. Can you
> > try that aswell.
> >
> > Am Do. Dez. 31 01:51:20 2015 GMT+0100 schrieb Bob Luckie:
> > > I am new to linux and Lubuntu.  Trying to install and run steam.  Steam
> > > seems to install, but then on run attempt it says has to do additional
> > > install which fails.
> > > You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run:
> > >
> > > Any ideas how to fix would be appreciated.
> > >
> >
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