Brasero is just alright with me, too . . .

Basil Fernie basil at
Sun Dec 20 09:15:16 UTC 2015


Some people are just more risk-averse than others.  You like your  
Powermac, fine for you; you look for the option on the Brasero  
sort-of-menu that sort of promises what you want, and ignore all the  
others and their dimly-implied possibiities, go ahead. But I'm trying to  
concentrate the probably few remaining years of my life on choices with  
clearer implications. Had my fun mastering obscure packages and writing  
helpyears ago, thank you, and enjoyed it. wasted a lot of time. Not now.


PS Ok, how about this for a Brasero menu:

           Gotta image to burn (.iso, directory, etc)?  OK!
1. Burn Image to CD/DVD... burn, baby, burn!

           Need to make an image first? Oh, OK!
2.  Audio project
3.  Video project
4.  Download from internet
5.  Create file with word-processor
6.  Download .jpg(s) from smartphone
           Go back to 1 when you're ready for action.

Somewhere in the days of Nero, the terminology became horribly divorced  
 from normal usage, and instead of "burn" implying an intense heat  
(laser-generated, normally, and frenetically melting tiny pits into  
specially made plastic media like CDs), it became identified with placidly  
organising data into a (temporary?) collection on {magnetic} media prior  
to, what else can we decently call it but burning thermally onto  
non-magnetic (optical) media. These days with high retrieval speeds from  
HDU and SSDs, plus ample RAM buffering, this intermediate step is needed  
far less often. Surely we can officially require "burn" to mean "burn" now  
and take the lead-up preparation and assembly - if needed - of data for  

Looks like the Brasero-menu author may have thought so too. But who from  
the layout of the menu and the strange use of "project" would believe it?  
Too risky for me. Given the reassurance from Fritz, maybe I'll try burning  
a/1/one CD/DVD with Brasero; but invest time in building up a long-term  
stable relationship with it? Why? No, I've got a real project needing some  
Forth programming of Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi to spend my time on...  
that's less risky.

On Sun, 20 Dec 2015 04:57:17 +0200, Fritz Hudnut <este.el.paz at>  

>> or a Burn image
>> ("project" assumed). Gathering distant and unhappy recollections, I  
>> think
>> these could be better headed and grouped as
> Basil:
> Keep it simple . . . if you have an iso to burn, click on the "Burn  
> Image" button . . . . It will then, burn the image . . . .
> F

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