OT: Survey on "Still running 32 bit Ubuntu?"

ki7mt ki7mt at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 21 21:41:28 UTC 2014

I found what I was looking for. I believe it is an "Opt-In" function for 



Greg, KI7MT

On 10/21/2014 03:34 PM, ki7mt wrote:
> It's possible, but not very accurate due to the numebr of mirrors 
> used, that, coupled with the fact, a single download could be used to 
> install untold numbers of machines. Or, hundreds or thousands of TFT 
> boot setups for larger institutions.
> There's a Ubuntu issues site somewhere that collects crash reports or 
> something to that affect, but I can't find it at the moment. Something 
> that reports back from the a physical Installation would be a bit more 
> accurate I'd think.
> 73's
> Greg, KI7MT
> On 10/21/2014 03:22 PM, Aere Greenway wrote:
>> On 10/21/2014 10:53 AM, Lars Noodén wrote:
>>> There is still a fair amount of 32-bit x86 hardware in use around here.
>>>   But these machines are all old now.  How long are they likely to 
>>> last?
>>>   Here is a survey on considering 16.04 LTS be the last release of 
>>> Ubuntu
>>> with 32-bit images to run on 32-bit only machines:
>>> https://bryanquigley.com/crazy-ideas/still-running-32-bit-ubuntu
>> Is there a way of counting downloads of (32-bit vs. 64-bit) ISO's 
>> from Ubuntu servers?  If so, it might provide some actual current 
>> numbers.
>> I know using the Awstats tool on my own web-site, it provides 
>> month-to-date counts of downloads of particular binaries.  It might 
>> just be a matter of looking at the statistics.

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