AW: Installer from live CD not launching

Aere Greenway Aere at
Wed Oct 15 16:13:39 UTC 2014

On 10/15/2014 09:37 AM, Aere Greenway wrote:
> As I recall, when I last did this, installing from running the live 
> desktop, it died during the install, after which I ran the install 
> from booting (rather from the live desktop), and it succeeded.
I remembered more details on the installation mentioned above.

It was a Pentium 4.

It actually didn't totally succeed.  It got to the very end of the 
installation, where it removes language packs and installation-related 
packages, and died there.  But it had already updated GRUB, and 
therefore the new system booted, and they have been using that system 
with no problems reported to me since then.

Not having done the cleanup, they are wasting disk space (which they 
have plenty of), and may have to install updates to packages they will 
never use.

I did not have an alternate-install CD with me when I upgraded their 

I probably could have saved space by purging the ubiquity slideshow 
package (which has solved problems installing with 512  MB RAM in the 
past), but I didn't try that where I was running low on time.


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