Problems to start LUBUNTO

Israel israeldahl at
Sat Oct 11 14:59:00 UTC 2014

If I understand you correctly, you installed Lubuntu to the hard drive,
but it will not boot?  Is this correct?
If this correct, what does the computer do?  Does it get stuck on the
loading screen that says Lubuntu 14.04?
Please describe where it stops working.  Or more specifically what you
mean by
"impossible to get Lubunto from Hard disk"
So we can help you better.

And, if I understand you want to install something other than Firefox,
but are having troubles?
To install another web browser you can open a terminal and type:
sudo apt-get update

then choose one or more of the following:

sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
sudo apt-get install midori
sudo apt-get install qupzilla (if you are running Lubuntu 14.04 this is
the best option)
sudo apt-get install links2 (lightweight text-based browser that can
display images)

there are other web browsers as well, so if you need help with a
specific one please indicate which one.
You could also go to google's home page and download and install Chrome
from there.

On 10/11/2014 06:15 AM, galdos at wrote:
>     hi  I am Italian I use the Old pc  I tryed to set Lubuntu in PC
> PENTIUM   20 GB HArd disck  but after that i installeted  all sistem
> operatyng is impossible to get Lubunto from Hard disk  i can use onli 
> dvd  live ... which is the way to get Lubunto from my Old pc pentium
> 3  ( with mother board  Asus  cuv4x acpi bios revision 1004 intel
> pentium 800 mhz ??  Someone can help me ...
> enother thig to say is this  it'important to set always two Browser to
> surf  firefox always have problem to get plug in in the first time
> work but in second time many repository closed and impossible to surf
> again in the next time when someone to reinstall this system in avery
> linux there is this great problema only  firefox ..
> Scopri istella, il nuovo motore per il web italiano.
> Istella garantisce risultati di qualità e la possibilità di
> condividere, in modo semplice e veloce, documenti, immagini, audio e
> video.
> Usa istella, vai su


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