New Lenovo Netbook - /home in a different partition

Aere Greenway Aere at
Sun Oct 5 17:17:56 UTC 2014

On 10/05/2014 07:40 AM, Andre Rodovalho wrote:
> Aere, if you don't want to mess user configurations with different 
> linux distros using a single /home, you can simply use different user 
> names. Each user will have a different folder at /home, and all 
> configs inside that folder, nothing will conflict...
> For files only, you can create a shared folder (everybody can read and 
> write - wich has no config files) inside /home

That's an interesting idea - I hadn't thought of it.  I might try it 
some time.

Still, I have never had a problem having /home as part of the system 
partition, because with every system that matters, I regularly back-up 
my /home/aere files to an external hard-drive, and in the rare event 
where a system gets destroyed, I simply restore /home/aere from my backup.

Restoring from the backup has never yet failed, though (fortunately) I 
don't have an occasion to test it very often.

This process has also proven useful when I want to 'clone' my personal 
files on another partition (or machine).  In cases of cloning to other 
distributions or different levels, I simply copy the non-hidden files, 
and let the configurations default.

Even with a separate partition for /home, it is good practice to do 
backups, in case the entire hard-drive fails.  So it wouldn't change my 
process of doing backups.


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