Live DVD (14.04) works fine but problems after install [Mac OS X and Flash Player]

Mark Millard markmi at
Sun Oct 5 09:39:53 UTC 2014

On Thu Oct 2 22:14:50 UTC 2014 Phill Whiteside wrote:

> OSX / MAC do not have flash, they seem to get on okay without it.

iOS does not have Adobe Flash Player available --and likely never will. Only native apps with Adobe Air for this context: iPhones and iPads.

But Mac OS X does have Flash Player available. The most recent Release Date listed in my MacUpdate Desktop list shows 2014-Sep-10 for Flash Player and shows it as version Flash Player works in Mac OS X's Safari as a plug-in. I've got about 15 websites with site-specific security settings set up for it.

(This only invalidates the specific example used and may well leave the overall point in place.)

Mark Millard
markmi at

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