A survey of GUI-based free online backup

John Hupp lubuntu at prpcompany.com
Wed Nov 26 19:54:48 UTC 2014

On 11/26/2014 2:34 PM, John Hupp wrote:
> Duplicati recently released a v2.0 Preview 
> (http://www.duplicati.com/howtos/how-to-install-and-run-duplicati-2-0-preview), 
> which offers a browser-based GUI interface over a "block-based" 
> storage engine that knows how to access popular online storage from 
> Google, Microsoft, Amazon and more.  It removes the need for periodic 
> full backups, and its block-based incremental approach is 
> finer-grained than file-level incremental backup.  The backups are 
> compressed and encrypted on your machine before upload.  There is a 
> built-in scheduler.  The software is open source.
> I don't think it supports file versions, and to back up open/locked 
> files in Linux it requires LVM.  But otherwise, pretty darn good on 
> lots of counts.
> I have it working under Windows, aimed at a Microsoft Onedrive 
> account, giving me up to 15GB of free online backup.
> Nice.
> In Lubuntu I had been running SpiderOak, which has a nice GUI 
> interface, supports some sort of incremental backup -- I forget the 
> details -- and provides 2GB of free online storage.
> The Duplicati 2 Preview supplies a GUI that supports Linux, so it 
> looked like I was poised to take a giant step forward.
> But after tripping over the installation, and then over the 
> configuration (see 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/duplicati/FSejerztk0c 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21topic/duplicati/FSejerztk0c> for 
> my problems with those), I stopped and reviewed the fact that 
> Duplicati only works under Linux if you install the Mono runtime 
> environment, which supports running .NET Framework code in Linux and 
> on a Mac.  Alluring if you are a developer: write once, deploy 
> everywhere (like Java).
> It seems to me, however, that installing Mono introduces additional 
> security risks similar to those posed by Wine.  Anyone disagree?

Duplicati principal Kenneth Skovhede took some pains to reply to my post 
at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/duplicati/FSejerztk0c 
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21topic/duplicati/FSejerztk0c>, but I 
don't know enough to evaluate what he said.  I would be happy if someone 
here can chime in with greater authority about whether the Mono 
environment adds significant security risks.

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