need suggestions for sound GUIs [was: Re: Configuring sound output on Lubuntu 14.4]

Henk Terhell hterhell at
Wed Nov 19 09:42:58 UTC 2014

Israel schreef op 19-11-2014 om 02:30:
> On 11/18/2014 01:20 PM, Walter Lapchynski wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Leszek Lesner<leszek.lesner at>  wrote:
>>> If your computers are powerfull enough I would recommend installing the
>>> package
>>> pulseaudio
>>> and
>>> pavucontrol
>> I do not recommend this. People will disagree with me, but pulse is a
>> bloated and unnecessary. It adds extra layers on top of ALSA that have
>> no real value. This is inconsistent with the goals of Lubuntu. If
>> you're doing music production, I'd simply suggest JACK. But for just
>> having sound for browsers and such ALSA is good enough. This is
>> especially true for Marc as I know he's dealing with older machines.
>> There was much discussion in the past about having a GUI for sound control:
>> I think we need to revisit this discussion, personally.
>> I might throw down for xfce4-mixer.
> Hi,
> I understand this logic.
> The two easy things to do are, as Walter pointed out, open alsamixer
> from a terminal
> Check to make sure things are not muted (MM means muted 00 means not muted)
> You can also choose the sound device you are using.
> If this fails, pavucontrol is extremely useful.
> But of course, the one *other* thing is to make sure no hardware toggle
> switch has muted your sound...
> I say this because I have spent too much time trying to find a problem
> that was actually a physically muted sound card :P
  A new Lubuntu,  with the attractive themes of LXQt, will undoubtly 
gain attention of many newcomers. In my opinion sound control should not 
be the Achilles heel of Lubuntu for such people if they first have to 
search on internet how to switch their sound boxes on by downloading 
additional programs .

I have no experience with JACK, but pavucontrol is easy to get a grip 
on. Alsamixer is a bit intimidating for newcomers.

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