Configuring sound output on Lubuntu 14.4

Jörn Schönyan joern.schoenyan at
Wed Nov 19 08:41:20 UTC 2014

Am Mittwoch, 19. November 2014 08:37:57 CEST schrieb farinet at
> On Wed, 19 Nov 2014 01:25:55 +0000
> Aere Greenway <Aere at> wrote:
>> Walter, and All:
>> Working with MIDI Music applications, I start (on Lubuntu) by installing 
>> pulseaudio and pavucontrol.
>> Part of the reason I do this, is the Java Sound (Gervill) Synthesizer 
>> assumes if the distribution is an Ubuntu variant, PulseAudio is the 
>  ...
> I agree pretty much on all this. On a amd-based laptop in pure 
> alsa i was unable to figure out why - and how - hdmi always was 
> the first (and default) sound card; with the obvious result 
> there was no sound output in many applications. Only vlc worked 
> because of its very detailed onfiguration options.
> But no sound in browser, mplayer etc. etc. With pulseaudio and 
> pavucontrol i could sort that out. Indeed, a coherent sound 
> settings manager (like network-manager or so) would be really 
> very very nice!
> Cheers.
Yes, I guess there isn't just black and white, but also 49 shades of grey 

More or less like:
 * very low-end: pure ALSA
 * gaming with need for low sound latencys in multiplayer: pure ALSA
 * HDMI or other special needs: ALSA+Pulseaudio
 * music production: JACK
And this are just the most common use cases covered. Power of freedom: we 
have the freedom to choose from different possibilities. 

Regards, Jörn

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