Request help respinning 14.10 w/Black Lab Image Creator

John Hupp lubuntu at
Tue Nov 18 14:10:53 UTC 2014

On 11/17/2014 8:39 PM, Eric Bradshaw wrote:
> So, after working with Systemback and making distributable isos from 
> it, I'm pretty sure I can copy the files Systemback puts into the 
> syslinux folder of a live iso and believe this would work because the 
> DVDs made from Systemback isos boot without error.
> However, the Systemback software has got me rethinking using Black Dog 
> Image Creator at all. I've still got some "personalizing" to do for 
> the C4C Lubuntu ReSpin, but here's what I'm liking about Systemback so 
> far:
> 1. The creation of a distributable "live" iso with Systemback is 
> incredibly easy, and they each boot in every 32-bit machine I've tried 
> them (burned on DVD) in.
> 2. Systemback has the ability to use Ubiquity, but claims to be able 
> to work with whatever bootloader I choose (would this then work with 
> Yaboot for PowerPC I wonder? I've yet to see if Systemback installs on 
> PPC).
> 3. The polished GUI of Systemback makes it a real visual treat to work 
> with (for a non-programmer like me) and because it's a great, 
> easy-to-use backup system too, I've got no problem including it for 
> the end-user.
> 4. They've overcome the 4GB iso limit! I've created several isos 
> larger than 4GB that are both live and successfully install a working 
> system too.
> Eric Bradshaw
> --
> Thank You,
> God Bless,
> Computers4Christians
> I'm glad to see you are both pushing ahead with the exploration and 
> reporting on results.  I'm very interested in the topic but have had 
> no time to invest so far.  In fact, I'm farther back in the process, 
> and don't even know for sure what all the viable candidates are (and 
> does the list include OBI or gnome-disks aka Disks?)
> Well, my viable candidates are likely different than yours. If I were 
> only setting up a bunch of computers myself and didn't provide our 
> respin to others as an iso, I would likely go with OBI. It beats any 
> other solution I'm familiar with for pure speed.
> But I hear you saying that it's looking more and more like Systemback 
> could be a good replacement for Remastersys and B.D.I.C.  You did say 
> earlier that "Distroshare Ubuntu Imager says it's based on Remastersys 
> and it looks like it took a bit from Black Lab Image Creator too, so 
> that's definitely my next script to try if the above doesn't work like 
> I think."  Did you try that but then find Systemback to be superior?
> Yes. But, superior is pretty subjective. It's different. And I likely 
> don't have the same requirements/goals as you (guessing). I don't even 
> have the same requirements I used to.
> I liked Remastersys and later BLIC because it's basically just a big 
> shell script. I could see (some of) what it was doing and change 
> things to suit the needs of Computers4Christians. I had initially 
> gotten rid of the live option altogether because doubling what's in 
> skel (where you put things to make them end up in the user's Home 
> Folder) made it go over the 4GB iso limit and there was no need for 
> anyone to "try out" the distro anyway.
> Can you say anything explicit about how Systemback treats user-level 
> or global settings.  For instance, does it strip out all user accounts 
> and settings?  Or certain ones?  Or have an option to do so or not?  
> (Or does the documentation cover this question?)
> I think Systemback strips out user-level settings automatically, but 
> has a check box to include them. I had in the past, included certain 
> settings in skel by including files and folders (usually hidden ones 
> that start with a dot like .mozilla and .xiphos). Systemback copies 
> everything from the Home Folder directly. The advantage for me would 
> be not having to worry that I've copied all the correct hidden 
> directories and files into skel to make the settings like I want  
> them. As far as I can tell, Systemback doesn't use skel at all.
> The disadvantage I suppose would be taking a chance my personal info 
> would be included, but I've never used my own personal machine to make 
> our respin. Oh, and the documentation is nonexistent as far as I know. 
> I couldn't find more than a paragraph about any single feature.
> On a related sort of question, for the more narrow purpose of 
> per-system full-installation backup, I'm also interested in how 
> Systemback or other candidates might serve for that.
> If you are meaning will Systemback work for individual users to back 
> up their own computers; yes. I think it'll be great for that. 
> Systemback uses restore points (similar to what Windows does now as I 
> understand it) to create snapshots of the system so it can be restored 
> to that exact state/date if need be. I am new to that whole concept, 
> but really, really like it.
> -- 
> Thank You,
> God Bless,
> Computers4Christians

Thanks Eric, this is a good orientation for me.  I'm just approaching 
the point where I'll need to go hands-on with this.

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