Grub2 theme in the spirit of Lubuntu?

John Hupp lubuntu at
Sun May 25 17:40:01 UTC 2014

To solve the little problem of finding the shade of off-white to match 
the LightDM login box, I loaded a screen shot of that in Gimp, and used 
the Color Picker with Information Box to find that it is F2F1EF hex.

I used that for menu_bkg_c.png, menu_bkg_e.png (the menu background), 
title-color in global properties, fg-color and border-color in the 
progress bar, and for color in the labels.

On 5/25/2014 11:02 AM, John Hupp wrote:
> I have set desktop-image in theme.txt and GRUB_BACKGROUND in 
> /etc/default/grub to both point at the Lubuntu wallpaper file, and in 
> my VM testing I don't see a terminal box.  It may be that it appears 
> but blends so nicely that it's not apparent.
> But the terminal box was apparent on real hardware when I was testing 
> other things (before I started work on my theme), so that's why 
> further testing is still on my to-do list.
> If the terminal box appearance seems like a problem on real hardware, 
> then I plan on looking at the further-refined hack nicely detailed in 
> Towheeds Definitive Guide.  It provides more precision for the 
> overlaid box.  See the section "Workarounds For Known Bugs - Apply a 
> background image to the terminal window."  I think you already know 
> about this guide, but for general reference an archive of the guide 
> can be downloaded from
> Setting terminal-box to a non-existent file set seemed to have the 
> result in the VM that the terminal box did not appear.  But on real 
> hardware with that setting, the default black box appeared.  It may be 
> that the VM just does not display the terminal box at all for some reason.
> In any case, no, no way to truly make it not appear, but some hacks 
> that may be workable enough.
> On 5/25/2014 1:01 AM, Israel wrote:
>> Keep up the Good work!!
>> The terminal box is unavoidable unfortunately... however I have 
>> 'overcome this' by adding a grub background that says 'Loading' So it 
>> at least looks decent...  That terminal box is why I gave up theming 
>> Grub.... I wish there was a way to hide it.
>> Does anyone here know if you are able to hid it by anymeans?
>> On 05/24/2014 04:20 PM, John Hupp wrote:
>>> I updated my screen shots at Post your Grub 2 Themes 
>>> <>
>>> Still on my to-do list:
>>> _ Lubuntu icon
>>> _ LightDM shade of white?
>>> _ Test on other hardware to see if an ugly terminal box appears
>>> _ Install script
>>> AFAIK, you can't style unselected boot menu items, so there is a 
>>> limit to matching with the LightDM login screen.
>>> On 5/23/2014 7:32 PM, John Hupp wrote:
>>>> You can see a shot of the work-in-progress at Post your Grub 2 
>>>> Themes 
>>>> <>
>>>> I have some other things on the to-do list also, but I would be 
>>>> happy not only to have a Lubuntu icon, but also to know what shade 
>>>> of white is used in the LightDM login box.
>> -- 
>> Regards

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