Lubuntu Via Remote Desktop

John Hupp lubuntu at
Tue May 13 18:30:10 UTC 2014

On 5/13/2014 8:57 AM, Chuck Boecking wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> What is the best way to connect to lubuntu remotely from multiple 
> devices (computer, tablet, etc..)? I am _not_ referring to connecting 
> simultaneously. I just need access to the remote desktop from what 
> ever device I am using.
> I have become a big fan of lubuntu in the last year. Mainly because I 
> can use it with xrdp to manage remote servers and perform remote 
> development. When not connected, xrdp+lubuntu leaves virtually no 
> traces in memory or CPU. Another benefit is that remote desktop exists 
> for almost any client.
> As you are probably aware ubuntu 13+ breaks xrdp+lubuntu. When you try 
> to log in, you get a gray screen. There are many people posting 
> solutions that prescribe leaving lubuntu to go to xfce4. Here are more 
> details 
> <>. I 
> believe the issue is with xrdp (not lubuntu).
> I am hoping you guys can help me find a better remote connectivity 
> option. Please let me know what works best for you.
> Thank you for your consideration and regards,
> Chuck Boecking
> 512.850.6068 (office and cell)
> chuck at <mailto:chuck at>
> chuck.boecking (skype)

I'm currently using Google Chrome Remote Assistance, which so far is the 
best compromise I've seen for a situation where a set of known devices 
are accessed regularly (as opposed to one-off connections). I'm using it 
with laptops/desktops running Lubuntu and Windows.  I don't know about 
tablet support.

It's not as good as Chrome Remote Desktop (which is not offered on 
Linux), in that it requires the user to start the host program (which 
can be a bookmark in Chrome, or a desktop shortcut), issue an 
invitation, and give you an access code.

But the performance is better than any VNC-based solution I know of, and 
I don't have to set up and run some sort of an access server.

In the past I have used Intel Mesh, which doesn't require user 
intervention on the host machine, but I have not been able to get it 
working under Lubuntu 14.04.

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