mplayer does not work in Lubuntu desktop beta2 32-bit

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Wed Mar 26 17:03:22 UTC 2014

2014-03-26 16:25, Israel skrev:
> On 03/26/2014 09:45 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> The default multimedia player 'mplayer' does not work for me testing
>> Lubuntu desktop beta2 32-bit
>> 1. It wants a file /home/lubuntu/.mplayer/input.conf
>> 2. After creating such a dummy file, even with
>> lubuntu-restricted-extras, it does not recognize video files that were
>> recognized some weeks ago, 'failed to recognize file format'
>> Please test if it works for you, and if not, let us file a bug report
>> Best regards
>> Nio
> I wonder if it works in other flavours?
> Have you seen if there is a bug report for it yet?
> Is anyone else running a different DE on a 32bit version?
> I have a 32bit computer that I can look to see if it works if you like.
> I have a Xubuntu live image from a few weeks ago, if you want me to test
> it there.
Hi Israel,

No, I have not seen any bug report yet. As I replied to Andrei, it works
for me in an installed system. I will try in a live session again, and
depending on the result, you can select what to test.

Best regards/Nio

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