9w - an installer for old computers

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 13:17:09 UTC 2014

Hi NikTh,

[reply inline]

Best regards/Nio

2014-03-17 13:31, NikTh skrev:
> Ok, I've tested both installers in VB(VB was configured with
> non-PAE extension), and have functioned as it should. Very simple
> and very-very fast. I didn't see any option for a dual boot though,
> but I guess these images are for full disk installation only.

Yes, they wipe whatever partition table there is. 9w is meant to
install, where other install methods fail, for example in old
computers and computers with low specs. In such cases single boot is
better than 'no boot' ;-)

> Here are some screenshots
> TrustyB1npae-LubuCore
> http://i.imgur.com/4pyelPF.jpg (installation script) 
> http://i.imgur.com/fn8rfe5.jpg (after the installation - booted
> without problems and with a RAM footprint of 56MB !!)
> TrustyB1npae-text
> http://i.imgur.com/GNXvE5k.jpg (installation script) 
> http://i.imgur.com/FpIMiU2.jpg (after installation - booted
> without problems and of course here we have a clean Ubuntu Core,
> where we can build anything we want).

That's right! It is a template for what *you* want to build.

> As I have already said.. Nice Work !!

Thank you :-)

> Best Regards
>> On 03/16/2014 05:29 PM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>>> Hi Lubuntu users,
>>> This link (posts #88 and #89) describes a new and polished
>>> version of the 9w installer and the compressed image files
>>> available
>>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2209683&page=5&p=12957586#post12957586
There are updated compressed images with Phill's nonpae kernel.
>>> 1. An ultra-light text only system made from the Ubuntu Trusty
>>> beta 1 mini.iso
>>> dd_TrustyB1npae-text.img.xz
>>> This system runs for me in an IBM Thinkpad T42 with Pentium M
>>> with 80 MB RAM (set with the boot option mem=80M)
>>> 2. A very light Lubuntu Core system made from the Ubuntu Trusty
>>> beta 1 mini.iso
>>> dd_TrustyB1npae-LubuCore.img.xz
>>> This system is lighter than the previous 'Ltrusty' and runs
>>> with 128 MB RAM ... as shown by Doug S at the Ubuntu Forums: it
>>> runs but needs more RAM to do well while surfing the web :-P
>>> -o-
>>> Get the iso files and read the descriptions at
>>> http://phillw.net/isos/linux-tools/9w/
>>> 1_Help-to-run-experimental_9w-installer.txt -> README.txt 
>>> 1477443584 mar 15 13:45 9w_multi-install_trusty-n-saucy.iso 
>>> 439461 mar  7 10:23 GrowIt.pdf 343 mar 14 20:39
>>> login-n-password.txt 708837376 mar 15 13:22
>>> LubuSaucy-pae2pm-4GB.iso 991 mar 15 14:22 md5sums.txt.asc 
>>> 101211 mar  6 17:40 mkUSB-quick-start-manual.pdf 4421 mar 13
>>> 21:53 README.txt 660602880 mar 15 12:44
>>> TrustyB1npae-LubuCore.iso 530579456 mar 15 08:49
>>> TrustyB1npae-text.iso
>>> Welcome to test it and report your results in a real computer
>>> or in a virtual machine and at various levels of CPU horsepower
>>> and RAM size!
>>> Best regards Nio

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