Lubuntu 14.04 for PPC & NV driver

Israel israeldahl at
Mon Jun 23 01:29:25 UTC 2014

On 06/22/2014 07:22 PM, Fritz Hudnut wrote:
>     From: Israel <israeldahl at <mailto:israeldahl at>>
>     On 06/19/2014 10:02 AM, luca bellini wrote:
>     > Hello everyone,
>     > the installation of Lubuntu 14:04 Desktop has serious problems on
>     > PowerPC G4 with Nvidia GeForce4 MX video card, the problem should
>     > involve the driver "nouveau" that do not work well, you should
>     restore
>     > the old Nvidia drivers (NV). I also tried the disk "Alternate"
>     but it
>     > is not loaded at boot time (this remains a mystery). So I do not
>     know
>     > what else I can do ....
>     > Greetings.
>     >
>     >
>     Hi, sorry you are having issues.
>     You might try using this xorg.conf file
>     Let us know how it goes!
>     If that isn't your exact device... take a look at
>     This is a very helpful resource.
>     It is helpful to describe what 'serious problems' means.  Can you
>     boot?
>     what does the screen look like?  Is it simply black?
>     You may need a yaboot parameter, or to download the proprietary nvidia
>     drivers.  nouveau is focusing on newer cards, so the older ones
>     may not
>     work anymore...
>     hope this helps!
>     --
>     Regards
> =========================================
> @Luca & Israel:
> Wanted to follow up on this, because this area is one of the critical
> points for PPC users of machines that have the Nvidia card--and
> somewhere, perhaps on the Apple Users 'Buntu forum, I saw/read that
> the NV module?? was no longer provided in the 14.04 install??  Or no
> longer "supported" or find-able . . . . 
> I was given the links to a wiki on how to do a "retro-install" of nv
> for my G4 iMac 800 MHz about two years ago, and the nv driver provides
> the best clarity for the GUI desktop, although before I got the nv
> driver set up, I think the "fbdev" driver was "OK" . . . .  The driver
> does have to be indicated on the config file . . . but, if they aren't
> installed or no longer available (I also heard/saw that the fbdev
> driver is "not supported"??? in 14.04??) . . . that might be an
> "insurmountable" problem for PPC users . . . such as myself & my iMac
> . . . ???  It sort of casts doubt on the intention of 'Buntu's to
> provide a system for PPC for too much longer??  Possibly the 14.04
> "driver update" app would be able to find and install an adequate
> video driver, but if not . . . the dreaded black screen, or worse, the
> 1/3 green/2/3 black screen . . . fading into a mottled black screen .
> . . are the resulting outcomes to the wrong driver . . . .  And then
> typing in a TTY window that can't be seen can be the conditions that
> one works in until the right driver is found, etc.
> I'm still waiting to see if the 14.04.1 system will be an easy install
> on my iBook with a radeon driver, although, even that computer, which
> was a completely trouble free install for 12.04 . . . now, apparently
> needs some boot parameters . . . because radeon drivers are now not
> supported??  The G4 PPC machines are still running fine, and are still
> roughly within a decade in age . . . Apple dropped them like a hot
> stone . . . seems like there should be a way to get the 14.04 "PPC"
> system to actually run PPC computers without going through what I did
> to "retro-install" NV . . . but now we can't even do that?  I'm
> thinking that the iMac will remain in 12.04/OSX 10.4.11 for the
> remainder of it's service lifespan . . . . possibly the iBook might
> make it to 14.04, but with my testing of the Lubun 14 LiveDVD there
> were problems with dragging windows and slow scrolling, etc--it was
> "rough" for the iBook.  Can anyone comment about whether the NV driver
> could still be found, "retro-installed" and used for Nvidia running
> PPC units??
> F/e.e.p.
I'd test it first.  There is a problem with the hardware detection
(inherited from Debian).
The sound *may* or *may not* work without some tweaking... it is a rough
road being a PPC user....  But Lubuntu looks great on it!


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