privacy & lubuntu

Israel israeldahl at
Thu Jun 5 12:56:31 UTC 2014

On 06/05/2014 12:54 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
> 2014-06-05 07:47, farinet at skrev:
>> I'd like to see, somewhere in the help files for the installation of
>> lubuntu a paragraph pointing to privacy/anonymity in the net. In the
>> ubuntuforums there is (was?) bodhizazen who seems to me an an excellent
>> advisor (cfr.
>> Since we're left more or less alone in this regard either by (most of)
>> our providers or by our statal authorities it should be an issue.
>> Thanks for your patience.
> Be aware that privacy, security and anonymity are different issues. I
> don't think there is anonymous browsing of the internet any more. But
> you can protect your computer from intrusion.
> This link is a good start
> as well as the *sticky threads* at the Ubuntu security forum
> Good luck
> Nio
The internet by definition isn't 'private'.  You are using an ISP, which
connects you to someone else's server.  Even using end-to-end encryption
will still show you connecting.  And most routers worldwide have a
backdoor planted secretly by the NSA (if they have come through the
US).  So, a reasonable expectation of privacy would be rather silly,
since you are connecting your computer to someone else's computer.
And if you use any sort of social media, it is mining your data.
If you have cookies enabled at all (which you might not) or JavaScript,
etc... you are still being tracked.


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