Notebook power management with Lubuntu

Christian Beringer christian.beringer at
Wed Jun 4 11:53:49 UTC 2014

Hi Emiliano,

concerning the network adapter: I had the same issue, maybe the  
solution I found helps you as well.
Please check /etc/network/interfaces if eth0 is listed as:
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

in my file this was not the case (for whatever reason)...


Quoting Emiliano Vazquez <emilianovazquez at>:

> Hi guys.
> I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and i install lxde-desktop for a better cpu use.
> Lxde run smoothly and is great!
> At this moment i resolve some things like key-binding, autostart  
> applications, dual monitor (i will ask before i resolve this problem  
> about this) and the list is long.
> Right now i'm fighting with the power management. If i close the  
> notebook and let the machine with batteries only Lubuntu still power  
> on and eat all the power.
> When i open it again i lost network adapters and only a reboot help me.
> Whats wrong? i need another program to manage power?
> Best regards!
> Emiliano.
> -- 
> Emiliano Vazquez | PcCentro Informatica & CCTV
> Office: +54 (11) 4635-3218 y Rotativas
> Movil: 011-15-6253-7165
> Mail: emilianovazquez at
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