Release candidate number two, mkusb8-rc2, with menus also to select input file

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Tue Jul 22 06:06:13 UTC 2014

Hi everybody,

A second release candidate, mkusb8-rc2 is uploaded to

Check it with the corresponding signed md5sum file.

-rwxr-xr-x. 1 nio nio 33407 21 jul 21.34 mkusb8-rc2
-rw-rw-r--. 1 nio nio   582 21 jul 21.37 mkusb8-rc2.md5.asc

There is a menu system to select the input file in this release
candidate; the input file alias the source in the cloning process

' source file --> target drive'

but it is still possible to enter the input file as a parameter. So the

sudo path/mkusb8-rc2

will start a menu system where you can select the input file and then
the target drive, while either of

sudo path/mkusb8-rc2 file.iso
sudo path/mkusb8-rc2 file.img
sudo path/mkusb8-rc2 file.img.gz
sudo path/mkusb8-rc2 file.img.xz
sudo path/mkusb8-rc2 wipe-1

will skip to selecting the target drive directly.

The quick start manual is still valid, except the illustrations, that
will be updated later on with screenshots of the menus. See also the
wiki page for mkusb

where there is a brief description plus several updated screendumps
including the new menus.

Please give me feedback about this release candidate: help me find bugs
and suggest improvements!

Best regards

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